by Jane
Principal __, Honored Guests ____, parents, teachers and graduates.
I have the great honor of speaking at your graduation. Firstly let me congratulate you on your graduation, it is a fantastic achievement. Well done class of 2014.
I too am a graduate of this school and I know just how much graduation means.
This year has seen our country suffer its worst typhoon with terrible consequences. Communities have been destroyed and many people have lost their lives. Although not directly affected, everyone at the school has felt the pain of it.
However we are a very resilient nation and everyone has found the strength from somewhere inside them to carry on and rebuild. Certainly it is very important for all of us to gain some triumphs and feel that life is improving.
I know just how hard you will have worked for your graduation. This school has a proud tradition of excellent grades and there is an expectation of doing well. You will have worked harder than ever this year. To graduate takes a very determined effort, perseverance even in the face of some poor grades, and a strong sense of the end goal of good grades. For many of you there will have been low times when you felt you could not go on, however you did keep going and the result is a very proud moment at graduation.
I love the quote by Malcolm Forbes “It at first you don’t succeed, try harder”. You certainly do try hard!
Typically each year has a class forms strong bonds. Everyone helps each other and they contribute to the success of each other. These strong bonds will last a long time.
Throughout your time at school you have been very fortunate to have been taught by excellent teachers. Thanks are due to this highly professional, fair and inspirational group. They care deeply about our progress and work hard to help us achieve our best.
Thanks are also due to your parents. Every parent loves and supports their children. This year has seen parents all over our country work hard to help their children cope with the disaster. They too have worked hard to help you be resilient and also attain your own triumphs.
Today is your graduation day. It will pass very quickly so please take the time to enjoy the day. You deserve to have your ceremony and to celebrate with family and friends.
The future for graduates from this school is bright. I know, I have graduated from college and now have started my dream job working at Metrobank. I am very proud and grateful to have graduated from this school. There is a long and proud tradition of graduates from this school going on the gaining excellent college degrees and the on to their dream job. Most graduates become professional people. This bright future is out there waiting for you. Yu must of course have a dream job in mind.
So, how do you get that bright future. Well there is no secret. You just have to use the lessons you have learned here. First decide what you want. Then through college and work you will work with the best teachers to guide you. Also, work very, very hard. Commit yourselves to your future just the way you have done here. No matter what disasters happen in life you now you can keep going and ultimately succeed. Form strong bonds with your class and colleagues as you will lift each others performance to higher levels.
You can have confidence in your abilities. You have already faced difficult challenges and you will cope with them in the future.
Good luck to each of you!
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By Jane Andrew, Copyright © 2008 - 2017
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